Nov 20, 2017
On Thankfulness.
Each and every day the Team at First Choice PRC are incredibly thankful for the many things God has blessed us with. But, in honor of...

Stephanie LaRose
Oct 16, 2017
To the Next Ten Years.
It seems I've taken a bit of a break from keeping up with weekly blog postings from First Choice- Like a whole month and some odd days....

Stephanie LaRose
Aug 9, 2017
A Week at the Institute.
God is fun. Let me just start with that, because it's true! He's faithful, loving, and comes through in ways we just don't quite expect...

Stephanie LaRose
Jun 1, 2017
Six Ways to Stay Involved
Wow. It's hard to believe Summer is right around the corner! Kids are counting down their last few days of school, graduations are...
Stephanie LaRose
Mar 15, 2017
The Hole in My Dream.
As I prepare my position to run autonomously without me next week, it stirs me to think what First Choice would be like with autonomous...
Mar 9, 2017
Thank God for Women.
Go watch this. Yesterday, as you may know, was International Women's Day. With it's earliest roots observed as far back as 1909 in New...

Feb 22, 2017
Embracing a Culture of Love.
Love. It was everywhere last week. Gifts from spouses and significant others flood social media. Little hearts were spattered over the...

Stephanie LaRose
Feb 1, 2017
Mark Your Calendars!
Wow. What an incredible January we have had! I am thrilled to announce that January 2017 was the biggest month of Client visits since...

Stephanie LaRose
Jan 11, 2017
Welcome to Our Field.
We need you. You: Who are made in the image of God, desperate to link arms with fellow field workers to change our communities. Who oozes...

Stephanie LaRose
Jan 4, 2017
A Decade Worth Celebrating.
First Choice Pregnancy Resource Center, Inc. came into the non-profit sector the Summer of 2007 to bring hope, encouragement, and...