God's Grace and Program Improvements
I am the Executive Assistant of First Choice PRC and a main area of my focus is coordinating and implementing services and programs to help new moms and dads transition successfully into parenting.
Our prior program consisted of a compilation of DVDs, brochures, and minimal curriculum materials. Many of the DVDs portrayed actresses with large '80's hair and retro clothing that somehow has found its way back into style today... It was effective (and often comical), but there was not enough material for a woman or couple to attend weekly meetings for nine months of pregnancy. let alone 18 months post-partum.
From the day I start early in 2015 until recently, the deepest desires of my heart were to update that particular aspect of our services. We had our eyes on a comprehensive curriculum that in it's complete form would cost us roughly six months worth of rent. We attached the goal to fundraisers and prayers, but we were never able to attain the funding.
Until now.
The staff at First Choice (and myself especially, with a personal background in early childhood education) were incredibly happy to announce last Thursday that we received a grant, by the grace of God, to order a pregnancy and toddler curriculum, complete with 75 comprehensive lessons.
This update is incredibly exciting and opens our program up for a higher level of service and empowerment for our Clients!
This program is available for expecting moms and dads, as well and parents with infants who are looking to receive extra parenting education to help become better parents and provide the best care possible for their children! In turn for taking part in this program, opportunities to "shop" in our Baby Boutique will be extended. We are hoping to serve many, many more Clients in Stevens Point and Wisconsin Rapids in lieu of receiving this grant.
God extends His grace to empower us to do things we are unable to do in our own flesh. In all prior attempts to raise funding, we had failed, but we did not stop trusting for the Lord's provision. We are grateful at First Choice for the Lords grace to make this improvement to our program. He is our great provider, and our mission is founded on prayers, His grace, and the love of Jesus Christ!