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Nine Years Strong

How do you encompass all of the wonderful things the Lord has done within the ministry of First Choice in the last nine years? After opening in June of 2007, countless stories of changed lives and new lives brought into the world have been written due in part to the work of First Choice and the vast team of donors, prayer warriors, volunteers, and staff.

And to think that the first few clients served now have children in third and fourth grade!


What an impact!

This year alone, we've served 64 different clients over the course of 145 appointments to date. This does not include the clients receiving diapers provided for PNCC participants, emergency needs scenarios, or services provided to ultrasound models.

Our numbers reveal that we are so much more than a pregnancy test and an options educational consultation. We serve the needs of families in the Central Wisconsin Communities in a variety of important ways.

So next week, when we all join together and celebrate at the Banquet of Life, we sure do have a lot to be grateful for.

First smiles.

Learning to ride a bike.

Mommies and daddies realizing their own potential in Jesus,

You name it. At some level, we've played a part in the development of numerous children, families, and individuals in the Central Wisconsin area.

It's worth celebrating. It's worth supporting. It's worth staying informed about.

If you haven't registered for the 2016 Banquet of Life, don't worry. We're extending reservation for this special night until October 4th. That's next Tuesday! I hope to personally meet each and every one of you to thank you for supporting this important mission in whatever capacity you can.

Your involvement means more first smiles. More biking lessons. And more mommies and daddies rising into their place in the Kingdom of God.

Heaven's work through our hands.

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101 Division St. North, Stevens Point, WI 54481

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Wisconsin Rapids

4011 8th St. South, Wisc. Rapids

WI 54494

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