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Banquet of Life


That is a wonderful three letter summary of the 9th annual First Choice Banquet of Life. Every single detail came together seamlessly to create a spectacular night of hope, impact, and promise.

With nearly 200 guests in attendance, Team First Choice raised $25,000 to support the ministry and mission of First Choice! We are celebrating, we are rejoicing, and we are thanking the Lord for His wonderful provision through Team First Choice! Our hearts are filled with overwhelming love and gratitude! Thank you Team First Choice for your generous giving, endless prayers, and ongoing support!

With that being said, I want to take the time in this blog to thank the incredible team that helped put our largest event together:

First and foremost Executive Director Cindy Brengosz for her servant heart to lead, heart for the lost and broken, and amazing attention to detail! She carried this event through and executed it in the highest fashion!

The Board of Directors for their prayers, table hosting efforts, and continual faith and commitment in the mission that is First Choice.

The volunteers- Karyn, Anna Marie, Miranda, Peggy, Tammy, Miranda and Aliya, for your hard work decorating and cleaning up! You ladies are lovely and you greatly contributed to the success of the evening.

A mega thank you goes to the representatives of the Knights of Columbus who presented the plaque for the ultrasound machines, and their fundraising efforts to improve one of the most integral tools of our program.

Dr. Tillotson and Michelle Schey, we thank you for all you do in support of our medical services, and your promotion of life throughout our community.

Can I get a round of applause for the wonderful Tanya Schulz and family? We are so incredibly thankful for you and your courage to share your story for a second year in a row. The glory of God shines brightly through you! You continue to inspire us with your beautiful heart and baby Rae's (and company's!) joy!

Thank you Dan Miller for sharing your impact on the culture of life and encouraging others to do the same! We are grateful for the impact you've had ing the prolife field and the stories you brought to share with us!

To SetnryWorld, Kristin, and Craig, thank you for the awesome service and delicious food. You made event planning a breeze! Oh, and an extra thanks to Craig for helping us lift the ultrasound machine out of the back of the Yukon... probably wasn't part of your job description, but you we could not have lifted it ourselves!

To our table hosts who went above and beyond inviting new friends and supporters! Our event was successful because of your efforts!

To those who newly joined Team First Choice! We are glad you've come aboard and made this mission a part of your life. Thank you for making the leap!

And lastly, a HUGE thank you to our generous sponsors:

Dan Demers & Thrivent Financial

Galuk Family

Tom Glavin

Portage County Right to Life

Delta Dental

Family Church

Robert Kryshak- Nash Law Group

St. Maximillian Kolbe

St. Lukes Lutheran Church

River of God Fellowship

Wolosek Christmas Trees

Immanuel Lutheran Church & School

Dance with Dignity DJ Service- Ryan Bair

Tri-City Right to Life

Point and Plover Magazine

The Lord is our provider and the Captain of this mission's ship! He steers us, guides us on calm waters and during the roughest of storms. We are thankful for this great ministry He's put on our hearts, and we are grateful that Team First Choice (you included!) can be Jesus' hands and feet to our communities.

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the Lord is good; His lovingkindess is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations." Psalms 100: 4-5

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