Refreshing Success.
Last week, amidst the chaos of a busy week of services and preparing for our strategic planning retreat, I failed to write a blog. Maybe chose not to write a blog is a better way to phrase it.
BUT! I want to assure you, in forgoing a weekly blog post, we had a very successful and refreshing couple of days spent in the presence of the Lord and one very large pad of paper.

Honestly, from the moment we stepped foot onto the grounds of Be Still Retreats we were overwhelmed by His glory. One faithful family took their vision from God and ran full force into His will by providing a place of retreat in Plainfield for Pastors and Missionaries. The stunning cottages were FULLY equipped with everything you'd need to retreat, find refreshment, and bask in His presence; the barn was literally everything you could have dreamed of with different areas for different activities; and the surrounding area, though a bit muddy from the weather, provided the most peaceful and lovely back drop.
We couldn't have asked for a more apt place to accomplish our reflection on 2016 and goal set for the future!
Thank you again Urban Family for being faithful and obedient to God's calling! You are incredible examples of Jesus and we are so appreciative of everything you had done for us last week!
Like I mentioned at the beginning, what a successful and refreshing time it was! So, with that being said, go LIKE Be Still Retreats on Facebook, check out their website, and here's the donor link!
And now the big question... after two full days of hard hitting planning, what do have to show for ourselves?
Well, you'll just have to check back and see in January!
But, I can tell you though that improve, expand, and connect are the top three vocabulary words to convey our 2017 goals!
So then, just how exactly do we plan to end our year?
Big, full force, and stronger than ever! But to do so, we need your help!
We are taking year end donations (these, like all other monetary donations to First Choice, are tax deductible for this year if given before December 31st) to finish they year off, and start next year well funded.
We are looking for volunteer advocates willing to sacrifice their time and efforts to serve women and men in pregnancy situations.
We are seeking prayer warriors to storm the Heavenly realms for the benefit of our Clients and Team.
Will you help?
And lastly, check out this news report. I want to add some final thoughts today on the Ohio abortion ban bill. Wow Ohio! Way to take the lead and break some ground on personhood! Though we are not quite at the point of conception, establishing personhood at a heartbeat is a phenomenal step forward!
Ohio will need your prayers as this "controversial" bill will be nailed from every side, seeing as it's already made news headlines basically on every available outlet. Naysayers and promoters alike will be using any medium to push an agenda for the bill.
But regardless of the outcome, the impact of this bill will impact people, politics, and bring to light how very powerful a tiny, new beating heart is.